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Plants we can get - next plant sale on 22nd April - Earth Day.

Updated: May 4, 2023

You might know that Plant a Border germinated and grew from an idea that I had when selling plants as part of my other business, Trug and Lettuce. I sell plants on a regular basis from The Station in Frome throughout the growing season.

Plant a border stall at the Station in frome

I was there the other week and sold, amongst other plants, a lovely Wisteria Okayama - not a tiddler - one in a 20 litre pot and hand picked by me. This one didn't hang around for long. Hardly surprising when it was priced at £60. Have a Google and see how that compares with others..........

Here it is before this Wisteria was whisked off to it's new home.

I'm planning another sale in a couple of weeks time. I'll be there again on Saturday 22nd April from 8am. Yes. That happens to be Earth Day 2023 - everything seems to be aligned...........

The Plant a Border / Trug and Lettuce van selling plants in Frome

Local nurseries have been trying their hardest to tempt us in over the Easter weekend with offers galore. I doubt many mentioned the fact that we might still be due some frosty evenings and mornings, and to make sure that we looked after our new plant purchases!

Seems that we might be due a few more frosts so make sure you keep your new plants suitably covered - horticultural fleece is easy to drape over your plants if you've planted them out and can't now move them into a sheltered spot.

Anyway have a click on this link and see what we've got at the moment. I've added some highlighting to draw your eye to a few plants that are looking really good at the moment - healthy, great growth and of course at a great price.

And if there's anything that you're particularly after that you don't see on the list please get in touch - I'll see if I can source it. And please have a Google or look at your local garden centre or DIY store and compare the prices. You might well be surprised.......

Use the Contact page to get in touch and we'll be happy to let you know what we can get.

All the plants I sell are sourced locally within Somerset or Wiltshire and are hand picked by me. If the plants aren't looking their best then they don't get picked. If I wouldn't pick it for my garden then I wouldn't pick it for yours.

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